Into the woods review


Hey, guys!
Here I come with a new review about a musical movie!
If you read my past reviews you know how much I love musicals, so I am really happy to be able to write a review about another one.
But first of all remember to follow us on our social networks, especially on Instagram, because in
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Now let’s talk about this amazing movie!
I really liked it, I think it was a wonderful movie with a great cast, Meryl Streep, in particular, was phenomenal and I loved each second of her role.
I also liked the presence of the little kid from “Les Misérables”, I think he nailed also this performance.
I was surprised when Johnny Depp showed up because I didn’t know he was in this movie, but of course, he was as great as always, and as he had already proved in some Tim Burton’s movies he is a great singer.
I also loved the plot, which reminded me a little bit of “Once upon a time”, which is my favorite tv show, so I just find it great.
I think it was really original and the songs were really good, the only one I didn’t like was one of the two princes.
To resume the plot in a couple of words, some characters from different fairy tales meet into the wood and each of them has a different purpose, but in the end, they will all cooperate to help each other.
The only thing I couldn’t understand was which fairy tale inspired Baker’s story, so if any of you knows please let me know!
Anyway, I loved that a lot of things were exactly like in the original Grimm’s stories, I surely didn’t expect that.
The only thing that disappointed me was that the movie could end at least an hour before because they solved every problem they had and reached every purpose, so I don’t understand why they add another part that was almost a “sequel”.
But apart from that, this movie had a lot of pros, like the wonderful songs, the cinematography, the music and the special effects that were exactly like I was expecting from a musical.
I loved the character of the baker’s wife, she was really a great female character!
I was a little bit confused about the timeline of this movie and I think they left something without resolution, but the overall contest is really great.
I also loved the ending, it was just perfect for this movie!
My final rating is 7,5/10.
Let me know if you will watch it and what you think about it!
I send you a hug and I hope you all are safe <3


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