Dallas Buyers Club Review


Hey, you!
I hope everyone is safe since it’s a difficult time to be alive and I remind you to follow all of your country’s sanitary instructions to keep yourself and the others safe and healthy.
I also want to remind you to follow us on Instagram, because we post every day there, our name is @rewritethemovies.
But let’s focus on the review because today I’m going to talk about a movie that is simply wonderful, in fact, is one of my favorite.
I never met someone who disliked this movie, and I think everyone should watch it at least once in their life because really, you won’t regret it.
The movie I am talking about is “Dallas Buyers Club”, winner of three Oscars that were really more than deserved: best actor, best supporting actor, and academy award for makeup.
But before talking about the Oscars, let’s introduce you to the plot of this movie.
We are in Texas, in the late eighties, and the protagonist, Ronald, is a cowboy who loves sex, cocaine, and alcohol, who discovers to be affected by AIDS.
Since, in those years, people associated the disease only with homosexual people, and since he is homophobic, he refuses this diagnosis and continues his life normally.
When he finally accepts it, the doctors tell him that he has just a month left to live, so he starts to search for medications that are not approved in his country, and he will also start to sell them to other people with the disease, with the help of a transsexual woman, Rayon, who is also sick and who will become his friend, making him change his mind about homosexual people.
The years pass, and the Dallas Buyers Club keeps selling medications to people who need them, always fighting with the FDA, which tries to stop them more than once because of the medications they are using.
I won’t tell you more, but I really hope that you will watch it because is also inspired by a true story.
In my opinion, this is the best movie about AIDS I’ve ever seen.
But now, let’s talk about the reasons why the awards they won are really deserved.
I will start talking about the makeup because is really impressive the job that the actors did: not only they were so skinny that I don’t even know how they managed to walk and act, but also the makeup itself was great because they looked like they were sick for real, it seemed they could really die in any moment.
About Matthew McConaughey winning best actor there’s not a lot to say: he was amazing, his performance was great, I would say perfect, and the way he makes you love his character his simply great.
He really seems to be weak, and sick, and the way he acts is incredible, he shows all the feelings that Ronald is proving like he really knows how do you feel when you discover you have AIDS and you are a cowboy in the eighties.
Last, but absolutely not least, Jared Leto winning best supporting actor. I may not be really impartial, since Jared Leto is one of my favorite actors, but damn, his performance was amazing. He plays the role of Rayon, an addicted transsexual woman, and he is simply perfect. Also, his voice, when he talks, doesn’t seem his own, it is almost a perfect woman voice and I find this fact amazing.
Of course, he is always an amazing actor, but the way he played Rayon, with all her pain from the disease and the discrimination of people around her, including her father, was something else.
His performance is perfect and also his speech when he won is something I suggest you watch, because really, he is an amazing person.
But let’s focus on the movie again: apart from the amazing cast, the beautiful story, and the particular attention to the details it also has beautiful cinematography: the scene with Matthew McConaughey and the butterflies is really beautiful and it comes to my mind every time I think about this movie.
My persona rating is 10/10.
Before leaving you, I want to share with you a wonderful quote from this movie, that I hope will increase your desire to watch it: "Sometimes, I feel like I am living for a life I ain't got the time to live I want it all to mean something."
So have a good day, gals and pals, and don’t forget to leave a comment if you saw this movie to let me know what you think about it and to follow us on Instagram and Twitter.
All the love,


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